Saturday, November 14, 2009

The definition of the word FAIL

In the world, the word failed has became an obsession. I hear this word everywhere I go, being use by a variety of people. Now don't get me wrong, I not saying that the people saying this word is using it in the wrong context, but for some, the word is being overused and doesn't go along with anything they are saying. So for me being the nice person I am, I thought that this could be a good way to show the "uneducated" the correct way to use the term.

Definition brought to you by Webster Dictionary ( I apologize if I offend anyone during this but it's well deserved)

Pronunciation: \ˈfāl\
Function: verb
Etymology: Middle English failen, from Anglo-French faillir, from Vulgar Latin *fallire, alteration of Latin fallere to deceive, disappoint
Date: 13th century

a : to fall short

to be unsuccessful (

c: to disappoint the expectations or trust of (

d: to be unsuccessful in passing (

e: to miss performing an expected service or function for (

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